PAYCE has a long history of supporting charities, working with vulnerable individuals and communities. In 2016, this work was formalised with the establishment of the PAYCE Foundation.

Its charter is to empower charities to help more people live a fulfilling life. PAYCE Foundation supports charities working to find solutions to some of society’s most pressing social problems, including addiction, domestic and family violence, mental health and disability, homelessness and social isolation.


Winter Memorial to shine a light on homelessness

Winter Memorial to shine a light on homelessness

As the cold winds of winter grip NSW, for those sleeping rough, it’s the toughest of times. One night on the streets is too long, but a winter must feel like an eternity.It is estimated that 140 people die in NSW while homeless every year – it’s likely that figure is...

2024 Vinnies CEO Sleepout launches in Sydney

2024 Vinnies CEO Sleepout launches in Sydney

PAYCE Foundation Director Dominic Sullivan has joined other CEOs for the launch of the 2024 Vinnies CEO Sleepout.The Vinnies CEO Sleepout has been held each year since 2006 to raise important funds and awareness in support of the St Vincent De Paul...