If you need proof that the pressure of high rents and cost of living is taking a toll, then take a trip to Liverpool where, according to Vinnies, demand for its services and support has skyrocketed in recent months.

The PAYCE Foundation-donated food trailer bringing support to those struggling to survive.
Vinnies say more people are sleeping rough, are disconnected from services and require urgent care for complex health issues.
The Vinnies van rolled into Liverpool to provide food, conversation and support during Homelessness Week.
The PAYCE Foundation generously donated the fully fitted out food trailer, giving the charity the mobility to bring services where they are most needed.
The event, also sponsored by the Liverpool City Council, attracted more than 60 clients keen for great coffee and food, but also a chat and support.
“We’ve really seen the demand increase where there is not a lot of services to assist the homeless and those living rough,” Josephine Charbel, state manager of Van Services for Vinnies.
“Many of the people we see are isolated and it is a great highlight for them when the van as they call it comes to them.
“It is a highly effective way of bringing services to where they are needed most, not just food and drink, but support with wrap around services.
“It provides support, but also dignity and that’s what Vinnies is all about.”
PAYCE Foundation director Dominic Sullivan said it was pleasing to see the van delivering critical support to those struggling for the basics in life.
“We donated the van to Vinnies because they were committed to reaching out to homeless people who are doing it extremely tough, in areas not well-serviced, particularly during this long, cold winter.”