PAYCE is stepping up to raise funds for the Parramatta Women’s Shelter (PWS) which is facing increased demand for its domestic violence services following the long COVID-19 lockdown.

To meet that need, PWS is holding a Virtual Walk-a-thon, with PAYCE staff already clocking up the kilometres and raising an impressive $6000.
The PAYCE Foundation has pledged to match the staff fund raising effort.
PWS opened its doors in December 2019, with the support of the PAYCE Foundation which donated the use of five homes.
One in two women fleeing domestic violence are turned away every night in Australia.
PAYCE Foundation’s Maddy James said: ‘’Lockdown has made me appreciate how important it is to have a safe place to live.
‘’PWS’ virtual Walk-a-thon allowed us to rally the troops from the PAYCE and Paynter Dixon group and come together to help vulnerable women and children in crisis.
“Tania Smith and all the staff at the shelter do such fantastic work in helping get families back on their feet and find their place within the community, and we are just proud to be able to support it.”
Paul Borghetti, who manages PAYCE Foundation social enterprise Kick Start, jumped at the opportunity to raise funds for PWS.
“I decided to participate as PWS offer such a crucial service and I wanted to support the great work they do in this space.
“With more and more people being impacted by the COVID pandemic and lockdowns, now more than ever I feel it is our duty to support the community any way we can.”
PAYCE team member Jessica Dowling said it had been refreshing to get outdoors and walk for a good cause.
‘’I decided to participate in the PWS Virtual Walk-a-thon to not only show my support to women and children in need, but to be able to provide help from afar has been rewarding and allows me to share compassion in a different kind of way.’’
PAYCE Foundation Director Dominic Sullivan said PWS was doing critical work assisting women and children build a new life free from domestic violence.
“It has been a wonderful response from PAYCE and I would encourage everyone to join the Walk-a-thon and make a difference.’’