16 May 2016 – Australian property development and investment company, PAYCE, a long-time supporter of The Salvation Army and its programs, is on board again this year locally with a $10,000 donation towards the 2016 Ipswich Red Shield Appeal.
The annual fundraiser takes place over the weekend of 28-29 May, with a band of volunteers giving up their time to knock on doors across the city and collect donations at shopping centres and sports events.
PAYCE’s Managing Director, Brian Boyd said his company was proud to be associated with such a worthy cause and to have the opportunity to support The Salvos with their signature fundraising drive.
“It is a privilege and honour for PAYCE to be involved with an organisation that does such amazing work in turning individuals’ and families’ lives around,” he said.
“PAYCE has directly supported the Ipswich Appeal for a number of years now as we know how important their work is in providing social and community services within the local community.
“The Ipswich community exhibit wonderful generosity at this time every year, both in donations and time, in appreciation of the wonderful work the local branch does within their community every day.
“Of course, The Salvos’ track record for helping those experiencing hardship in communities across the country is legendary.
“Their Red Shield symbol is recognised throughout Australia and for those people in need it is a welcome relief to know the Salvation Army is there for them and able to respond swiftly to their calls for help,” Brian Boyd said.
Major Bruce Harmer of The Salvation Army said it is deeply disturbing to see many families facing tough times. He says being part of Australia’s biggest doorknock appeal gives ordinary Aussies a unique chance to be part of something big that has a powerful mission – to help others.
“For the annual Appeal to be successful, The Salvation Army needs the support of thousands of people across the country. We need people to be local hope-givers in their communities,” he said.
This year, The Salvation Army is aiming to mobilise 60,000 people across the nation to help bring hope where it’s needed most. The target for the 2016 Doorknock Appeal is $8 million.
Click here for full media release