Engadine High School’s Fast PAYCE Racing team competing in this year’s 2015 F1 in Schools Challenge, won the Professional Junior Class in the regional finals held in southern Sydney this week.

The PAYCE sponsored team was one of four teams of Year 9 students from the school competing in the Challenge, which is open to high school students around the world, with over 40 countries participating in this year’s event.

Engadine High School achieved an outstanding result with its four teams, winning both first and second fastest cars in the two classes, as well as a number of categories.

Fast PAYCE Racing team also won Fastest Lap, Best Engineering, the Grand Prix Race and Industry Collaboration categories in its class and now advances to the State titles to be held at the University of Newcastle on 5-6 November.

The Fast PAYCE Racing team comprises Lukas Foyle, James Mitreski, Sean Sultana, Blake Williams and mentoring teacher, Ben Treloar.

PAYCE’s Managing Director, Brian Boyd congratulated the team on its result and wished them well in the next stage of the competition when they go up against the best in the State.

“It’s a great performance by all the teams at the school and their mentoring teachers, and the school community, their families and friends must be very thrilled,” he said.

“This is the second year PAYCE has sponsored a team from Engadine High School and once again we are pleased to be playing a supportive role in their achievements,” Brian Boyd said.

The team recently took a group of PAYCE staff on a tour of their technology facilities used in the design, construction and testing of the latest miniature gas-powered racing cars.

PAYCE General Manager, Dominic Sullivan said the Fast PAYCE Racing team were keen to do well for their sponsor in this year’s Challenge.

“This is a fantastic competition for high school students and gives them hands-on experience in a range of fields, including engineering, physics, mathematics, research, design, marketing and even public speaking,” he said.

“The team has put in many hours during and after school under the guiding eye of their mentor and teacher, Ben Treloar and the win in the regional finals is testimony to their dedication and enthusiasm.

“We wish the team of Fast PAYCE Racing, along with the other teams from Engadine High School, all the best in the State finals in November,” Mr Sullivan said.



Engadine High School has had great successes in the F1 in Schools Challenge in recent years, with wins in the National titles in 2012 and 2013 and the Regional titles last year. As winners of the National titles, they went on to compete in the World Titles in Abu Dhabi (2012) and Texas (2013) where they placed fourth and fifth respectively.